Monday, January 6, 2014

So Much To Say!

 With the historical "polar vortex" which has plummeted our temperatures here in the south, and the ice and snow that swept through here yesterday, my busy life came to a stand still these past two days. So today was the perfect day to start my blog. I have found myself submerging myself into designing, and building my very own cozy blog in order that I can share and give to anyone who chooses to enjoy, learn and maybe just be entertained by the snippits of the goodness of my life. Bare with me as I fumble and stumble through writing my very first blog.

One of the many pieces of advice I divvied out to both of my daughters and now to my grandchildren is never, ever be afraid to dance. I meant and mean this literally, and also on the flip side I use it as an analogy. It was my way as a mom to teach and instill in them to not be fearful in life, but to be bold. Fear is an inhibitor, it is real and can be the reason for not reaching that goal, or it can be the reason for failure. Thus, it was and is our motto in our family. We are dancers, and we dance with confidence.   If we don't know the dance steps, then we still get out there on the dance floor, or many times in the middle of our living room, and you let the music lead you and take you. As long as there is music, rhythm, and the magic of the dance, vuala! There you go! Life, as the old saying goes, is a dance. I find myself at times gliding smoothly across the ballroom floor with every motion perfectly in time and rhythm, and other times I am doing the dance called the Jerk (yep, this dates me) from the 1960s, uncomfortable twinges, twists and abrupt jerks. There are the days of course, I find myself  dancing the Cha-Cha, the Macarena or tap dancing with endless childish energy, freedom and the most wonderful carefree attitude. What ever dance I am dancing that day, I attempt to keep up, do my best and the next time I am pulled out on the dance floor, I will know that dance  even better than the time before but I will dance with confidence and have fun while my feet of moving, my shoulders are shrugging, and hips are hopping!

My goal and also my hope, is that this blog of mine, is inspiring, fun, enjoyable and that also I am giving to someone a few new dance moves in life! So boldly I begin my generous blog to share some of MY favorite things in my life. I have tons of awesome handed down recipes which I will prepare step by step with pictures or video. My passion for photography will definitely be at the top of my show and tell list and stories, oh boy do I have some fun and entertaining stories. Hey, when you're 55 there's a lot  that needs to be shared! You know what they say, use it or lose it ;) This will also be a photo scrapbook where I can share some awesome vintage photos. Some I have already shared on my Facebook page, but there are a lot more that I will dig out of the archives and place here. My daughters and I own a gift /resale/vintage shop in Arkansas called The Pink Pig. I will be sharing several crafty secrets that we apply there also. Lastly and certainly most important, I will share and hopefully many will receive and be touched by Gods love which I will be sharing in a variety of ways. I can pretty much say with confidence that I will be all over the place in/on my blog until I settle in and find my ground, so once again bare with me! So excited and definitely, after typing this short intro tonight, I know that I have made a good and healthy decision to begin this blog.

Her name is Lucille and she is my Nana. We called her Nana Lucy and she was the strong domestic influence in our family. She taught my mama, and then my mama taught me so many of the wonderful things I will be sharing in the future. I chose her picture to share tonight as my very first "share" with you tonight. She is sitting in front of Venice High School in California. The year is 1928 and she is a beauty! Primping and mirror ogling definitely came down the pipe from her :)  Looking forward to this new blogging adventure!


  1. Great job Kathy- Looking forward to dancing with you through life's journey.. <3

    1. Thanks Syl! Right now I am in the learning stage. Excited about this.
